It's hard to believe it is nearly the end of January already. I know it has been a while since I last posted but it isn't because I have lost interest, I just can't seem to keep track of the time. My grandmother used to say that time went by faster as you got older and I, of course, just thought she was giving me the business. I was young and bored and probably whining at the time. But it sure is true and my blog postings, or lack there of, are proof of it!
So, we had a lovely Christmas and I used the week after to get organized and stitch. I don't take down the decorations until 12th Night so I am pretty much doing as little as possible during that time and getting a lot of stitching done.
I was still working on Christmas stitching and I managed to get a first finish of the new year during that time. Behold,
One Starry Christmas Eve by With My Needle and Thread in all its glory!
Stitched on 40 ct. Weeks Aztec Red with my own cotton conversion. Love this one!! It is currently at the framer and I can't wait to get it back. It will be on loan to my LNS for a while but I already have a spot picked out for it in my house for next Christmas.
I have been investigating some of my UFOs recently and I have plans to finish off some of those in the coming year but I am trying not to be too hard on myself or have anything written in stone about those. I love them all and will finish them eventually but I tend to put pressure on myself and stitching becomes like work. Then I beat myself up over the things I haven't accomplished and I don't want to stitch at all! So, the list is loose and I hope to get a lot more pieces finished this year then I did last.
My current WIP is about half finished now. It is a piece I've had in my stash for quite a while and I thought it would be a fun, quick, stitch and it has been. I've made only minimal color changes and I have enjoyed every stitch. If we get the big storm we are supposed to get this weekend, I may have it finished by Monday!
40 ct. Lakeside Woodsmoke (the original not the current permutation!) with mostly the listed colors |
This one is
Quaker Addict by a mon ami Pierre, a lovely little company that was driven out of business by internet piracy. Too bad since she really had some lovely designs. I was able to buy some of her designs directly from her as PDF files before she closed up shop and I came across them recently while searching for something else on my computer. I have several others that will reach the top of the pile eventually but for now, I am loving this one.
I have several other pieces going right now but none that are far enough along for posting. (Those Facebook groups are so enabling!) I will save those for next time and hope to have more to show by then. Until then, hope you are enjoying your stitching as much as I am!