I have been staying in, hiding from the heat, and stitching for the most part. We did manage to have a 'cool down' the last couple of days. If you can call the high 80s and low 90s cool. Temps back up into the upper 90s by the weekend so I guess I will continue to stay inside and stitch! I really need to do that too since I am starting to get a little anxious about the big pieces I am working on the deadlines they have for them.
I have taken the summer off from the majority of my stitching groups to make more time to stitch and to recharge. It always takes more time than I think to get a piece done and although I have been working like a madman on this rotation, I am still not sure I will have it all finished in time!
I really needed to make some progress on Jane Tindall. It is for a November birthday and I'm not sure how much time that bottom is going to take. So out she came and I worked on her until I had the top section with the verse all in.
It went pretty quickly so that made me feel better about the time factor. So then, I moved on to the next piece in the rotation.
I started a new piece for one of my other fall birthdays. It is a Scottish sampler and although the colors seemed very bright at first, it is growing on me!
Agness Horsburgh 1844 by Samplers Not Forgotten 40 ct Lakeside linen w/ overdyed threads |
The eyelet band is the half way point and I am back to working on this again so I hope for a finish by the end of the month.
At this point, I put this one aside and I really wanted to work on All Creatures again so I put another section on it. I am down to the verse section so it went pretty quickly.
I would love to have this finished this year but I'm not sure I can manage it with the others that HAVE to be finished.
Then the Quaker Mystery did another turn through the rotation and I added on another page here.
This is only through page 2 and has a long way to go but I really like the way the colors are coming together.
I am also working on a Catherine Theron piece that is a pilot class. I pulled it out to work on it in the middle of all this and realized I had an error, near the beginning of the vine, which all had to come out. Then, since I had referenced the outside border and the inner border off of the vine, the whole right side of those borders had to come out as well. I was having a lot of difficulty with long armed cross on the diagonal, both ascending and descending, and keeping up with the count (obviously) and so I had a lot of ripping and rework to do on that. Not a lot of fun but I got it all back in and started on the alphabet too. I am feeling the most pressure about this one since it has to be finished by the end of February. It is a tremendous amount of work and I can't really concentrate on it until after I have the other 3 done. Keeping my fingers crossed for a shift in the space-time continuum!!!
So that's me, caught up again. As I said before, I am back to work on Agness and want to finish her before I move on to something else. I hope to have her finished by the end of the month because the
schedule has me starting a new piece the first of September (a Christmas present) and too many things in the rotation gets a little crazy!!
Hope you are enjoying your stitching as much as I am, Laura