Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A 150th Anniversary Finish

   When I worked up my stitching list at the beginning of this year, I had 272 Words slated to be finished for my husband for this Christmas.  It had been a WIP for several years. I worked on it for the whole of the summer Olympics in 2012 and it was well under way before that.  When I put it away after the Olympics, it was at the half way mark.
   Put away isn't very accurate though.  It was on one of my lap frames, on the top of a bookcase in our bedroom and I know he saw it there every day.  He never said anything about it but I am sure he wondered about all the other things that were getting finished and why the piece that he knew was for him wasn't.
   After my friend's visit in October I got it back down to finish.  I know it is only 272 words but it is a large piece of cross-stitch! About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that the date of the address was November 19th so I really pushed to get it done by that date. How cool would that be to put in the last stitches on the 150th anniversary of the address??!!
   I've worked on it to the exclusion of everything else, with the exception of an ornament I've been carrying to stitch group, and I met my goal of finishing it last night!!

272 Words by Primrose Needleworks
45 ct. Italian Linen
w/Gentle Art and Weeks Threads
   It has been on the scroll rods for so long it won't lay flat but I plan to iron it and take it to the framer tomorrow.  So happy to have this one done!!
  Now, of course, it is on to the next thing!  I have a Christmas gift piece to get done (working it on 50 ct. to see how it goes because I have a much larger piece I would like to do on the 50 ct.) as well as a few ornaments by the middle of December.  Then I think it is back to Ann Bowers which I hope I can wrap up by the end of the year.  Tall hopes, I know, since you really can't count on December for any stitching time!!
But we will see!  Hope your stitching is moving along too,  Laura

Monday, November 18, 2013


  I have been working madly on 272 Words, trying to get it finished so I can give it to my husband for Christmas.  I haven't worked on anything else, with the exception of a Christmas ornament I have been carrying to stitch groups, since my last post. I am really excited to have this almost done and if all works out to plan, I will wrap it up tomorrow!!
  So, this is where I was when I started Friday night.  I apologize for the configuration of my photo. I forgot to get a picture before I started IH&SW stitching and I had to cover up with batting.

This is where it is now after the weekend of stitching.  I didn't have as much time as I would have liked but I think my finishing schedule will be met!!

It is still a huge piece, even stitched on 45 ct. linen, and I did manage to change just about all the colors but I have really enjoyed working on it and think my husband is going to love it!!
   I hope to have a finish tomorrow and if I manage it, I will have a pic of the entire sampler to share!  Stay tuned!!!   Laura

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Visit from the Finishing Fairie

   At the time of my last post I was expecting company.  My good friend from Atlanta, who also is a wonderful finisher, came to visit and we had a GREAT time!  There was stitching, lots and lots of stitching. Good food, provided by my husband the family chef as well as various restaurants in Virginia and North Carolina. Shopping adventures which included the addition of so much stash I think we might be keeping the industry afloat between the two of us!!
  Then there was the finishing. Lots of wonderful finishing! You may remember that I stitched this lovely back in August.

Stacy Nash Summer
 Gathering Pin Drum
I absolutely adore this piece but had the most terrible time trying to do the finishing. I asked my friend if she would do it while she was visiting and she graciously agreed.  This is what it looks like now after her considerable skill was applied. So, so cute!  I can hardly stand it!!

   Then we went to the beach for a glorious week of more stitching, eating, walking on the beach, more shopping, etc.  I think you're getting the picture.  I actually had a finish while at the beach and you may remember this one.

Scarlett House
A Sampler  Grew
 It took me a lot longer to finish the stitching than I thought it would (Surprise, surprise!!) but there was also a lot more over one than I realized.  This is the what it looks like now. Love it!!

 It is stitched on Lakeside 40 ct. Maritime White with the  listed colors.  We found the chenille on our trip to Dyeing to Stitch on our way to the beach. It was a nice break in a long drive. And a real treat since I hadn't been there in quite a while. So long in fact that they had moved the shop, a year ago, and I didn't know it!!  Just down the way from where they were before though so we had little trouble finding it.
   I had kitted up several fall inspired pieces prior to the beach trip and after I finished stitching 'A Sampler Grew', I pulled out Beggar's Night. This has been very popular. I have seen it finished on several other blogs and just had to stitch it.
    Mine is stitched with the Gentle Art conversion. Pumpkin Pie is now my favorite color!!   I did make a couple of color changes, one to accommodate the color of the pumpkin on my choice of linen, again the Maritime White, and the other for the raven. I could not stitch him in any color but black!!!  It worked up pretty quickly so I had a start and finish while at the beach.

  The next piece is from the current JCS Ornament issue.  We both love the Victoria Sampler cupcake and when my local shop had the finishing kits for it I couldn't pass them up.  I got one for me and one for my friend for her October birthday!  We got those stitched up pretty quickly, just a bit of basic hardanger and some sewing on of buttons and beads and it was good to go.  These are just too cute for words!!

  Then, (I know this is getting long) while searching for something else, I came across a piece I thought was lost.  I have been looking for it forever and just could not remember where I had put it!!  You know what I mean, this has happened to you too! Put it in a safe place and then can't remember where that is!!
   Anyway, it was a pre-stitch piece for a finishing class.  Loved it and thought I would once again tackle the finishing demon and learn how to do this.  I found the stitched part right before my friend got here and she WANTED TO DO THE FINISHING FOR ME!!!  How could I deprive her of that pleasure??

   This is another class designed by Holly.  It was a President's Challenge for her guild and you pick all your own colors.  I saw it on her blog and immediately approached my sampler guild to have her come and teach it.  I knew right away what colors I wanted to use and I actually had that silk tucked away in my stash.

The other supplies I collected from various places online, just looking at pictures on the computer, and I think it all matches pretty well.

   Well, that's about all for now. We had a terrific time together and I believe there was some discussion of me coming to her house next time.  I don't relish the drive through Atlanta and I won't be able to stay for 2 weeks but I am sure we will have a great time!!!!

*I also feel like I need to make a disclaimer here.  I did not chain my friend to a rock and make her do finishing the whole time she was here.  I had fully expected her to take the finishing home with her to be done at her leisure.  She did all of that finishing, including another one of the cupcake ornaments that she stitched and finished for herself,  in a remarkably short period of time.  She's just that good!!!