I have spent the majority of the past week and a half working on Ann Bowers. This is a SAL hosted by the Attic and since I've had this sampler in my stash for a really long time I thought this would be a good opportunity to get to work on it. Then I started it...
I know that when a sampler is reproduced, the designer must choose to use either the front, which is usually faded, or the back of the sampler to make the color selections. I also know that when colors fade over time, you can wind up with some pretty funky colors a hundred or so years down the road. But I just could not bring myself to stitch
BROWN strawberries!!! There are some really lovely colors in this sampler and it never occurred to me that the strawberries would be brown, so in an effort to save my sanity, I changed them.
I pulled out my DMC card and the other colors that would be stitched in the strawberries and I did a family match for a darker color. It is still a brown but has a lot more red in it and is one I can live with!
Now, I guess we have an adaptation instead of a reproduction but at least I will be able to stand to work on it and later hang it on my wall!
Ann Bowers
I had hoped to get this months work done and move on to something else since I am supposed to be working a rotation. The 45 ct. is a lot slower to work on than I thought it would be. I have worked on it before but a much smaller piece and it was a motif sampler with less densely packed stitching. I do love the way this looks, with the minor color adjustment, so I've kept plugging away but now the next assignment for this piece is out and I am behind again!! I've decided to work on it until I get the next part finished and then move on. This is where I am right now:
Ann Bowers 45 ct. Florence Linen w/ DMC |
I have the carnation band to finish (hopefully today) and then 2 rows of alphabet and I will be caught up.
I have totally neglected all my other stitching with the exception of the piece I am carrying to stitch group now. I needed something easy to carry around to my various groups so I started this one.
Little House Winter Plaid 34 ct Plantation Linen w/ colors listed
I had to adjust the white in this piece since I am stitching with one thread but other than that, all is going well. (Except for that mishap I had with reading the chart and stitching the roof in the wrong color and having to rip it out and do it again!!) This one should be stress free stitch for a while.
The rotation thing doesn't seem to be working for me so I'm not sure how I will deal with that. I am supposed to be picking up another WIP for Nicola's challenge as well as working on Ellen Chester's SAL of the Maryland Inspiration Sampler, not the mention 272 Words that I am stitching for the Hubs and that March birthday piece that is starting to scream in my ear. I keep hearing 'stitch faster, stitch faster' and 'pick me!' in my dreams!!
Wish me luck, Laura